Monday, June 25, 2007

More GREAT party photos!

A Fabulous Day!

The wedding reception was a real blast! My Mom and Dad are so glad we could get everyone together, (though we really missed not having Grandpa Kelly here), and the rain held off for the whole day!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The First Day of Summer!

Our weather has been great these past few days, I hope it stays for the weekend!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day at Cherry Point Vineyards

I had brunch yesterday courtesy of Gran and Grandpa Kelly for Father's Day. This is my Daddy's first Father's Day, and I think he's the best Dad in the whole world. He plays with me, and changes my diapers, and feeds me, and kisses my face all over! I love it when he sings to me and plays "peek-a-boo". Thanks for being such a cool Dad, I love you very, very much!

A Few More Wedding Photos...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

My Mom is Taking Over This Post... Click on any photo to "Blow it up!"

These first photos are from my time spent on the beach with your Daddy,..

Thanks Jade, my goodness you've done so well with keeping up the JADESPALACE blog!

Cathedral Grove was beautuful as usual..

This is some of the wildlife I found on the beach rocks at 7:00 am in the morning.
I made a coffee, put on my bikini, and headed out for the coast. Your Dad was sleeping, but I was very excited about it being my wedding day.
Jade, you would love to touch these slimy creatures!
I couldn't look at myself taking the picture, was too early!

Mr & Mrs. Kelly Finally Came Home!

My Mommy & Daddy were married on the beach in Tofino last Thursday. I missed them a lot, but Mommy says they missed me even more!

Many more photos and info to come later today!

Friday, June 08, 2007


Today is Rock Star Day at my brother Reece's school. Can you guess who he is?
Kinda scary!