I once knew a sea turtle, and her story's quite a tale. She traveled over 1,000 miles, her aim was not to fail.
She was headed to a southern beach, the same one on which she hatched. She finally arrived and started her trek, a trek that dared to be matched.
She was tired and worn from her long ocean swim, yet she pulled herself up on the shore. She scooped out a nest in the soft sandy, beach, knowing exactly what was in store.
She laid 100 eggs in that coastal nest, and covered them all up with sand. She returned to the sea that very same night, leaving her hidden eggs up on the land.
Then two months later something amazing occurred - hatchlings emerged from the nest! They scrambled about trying to get to the ocean, their instincts just wouldn't rest.
Their journey, however, had just begun, the light of the moon was the key. Across the wide beach they must race for the waves, to begin their life in the sea.
-unknown Author