November seemed to go by really quick. We didn't get out to do much worth documenting this month. There was a lot of rain, and wind, and a couple of thunder storms that kept us busy in the house. Mom & Dad took Reece and I to see a Daniel Wesley concert in Nanaimo last week, and we had our picture taken with him which was very cool! Mom and I went to Ladysmith for the Festival of Lights last week too. I was very excited to see Santa on a float waving at me. That was a great night also. Much more to expect from me in December though. Christmas is on it's way!
Halloween was terrific! I dressed up like a kitty and Reece was a zombie. We knocked on all kinds of spooky doors and got candy, some houses were too spooky for me. I was scared of the noises and fog machine. One house we went to was Michael Jackson's house. He came outside and danced for us. Funny, I thought he died over a month ago. My first house for trick or treating was Granny and Grandpa's. They gave us a big handful of treats and a couple special gifts too! I can't wait until next year, it was so much fun!