Those pesky critters that munch on your veggie lunch - how do you get rid of them?
To remove deer from from your garden, buy LifeBuoy soap and shave it into pieces. If you can't find LifeBuoy, get another deodorant soap. Place the shavings in the a cut leg of pantyhose and tie the top. Then tie the pantyhose on to garden stakes. Place several of these around your garden.
For easy earwig removal, roll a newspaper and tie it closed. Soak it in water and place in your garden overnight. In the morning it will be filled with earwigs. Bag it and throw it away. Repeat for several nights.
Slugs in your garden? Plant cabbages all around your garden. Slugs just love 'em! In the morning, grab your gloves, a bag and pick them off the cabbage.
Spiders in your garden means fewer bugs to eat your vegetables. To entice the spiders in to your garden, spread hay mulch through your garden. Spiders will make the mulch their home and will feast on the bugs that would rather be feasting on your garden!
Ants using your plants for their personal highway? Spread petroleum jelly around the stems to keep the ants from climbing.
As for Babies, well they're just as cute as garden gnomes, so just leave them alone!

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